Results for 'Amana by Philip E. Webber'

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  1. Kolonie-Deutsch: Life and language in.Amana by Philip E. Webber - 1994 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press.
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  2. Generous or Parsimonious Cognitive Architecture? Cognitive Neuroscience and Theory of Mind.Philip Gerrans & Valerie E. Stone - 2008 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59 (2):121-141.
    Recent work in cognitive neuroscience on the child's Theory of Mind (ToM) has pursued the idea that the ability to metarepresent mental states depends on a domain-specific cognitive subystem implemented in specific neural circuitry: a Theory of Mind Module. We argue that the interaction of several domain-general mechanisms and lower-level domain-specific mechanisms accounts for the flexibility and sophistication of behavior, which has been taken to be evidence for a domain-specific ToM module. This finding is of more general interest since it (...)
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    Alienation and Authenticity in Parkinson's Disease and Its Treatment.Philip E. Mosley, Wayne Hall, Cynthia Forlini & Adrian Carter - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (4):54-56.
    Why are some patients with Parkinson's disease unhappy about the outcome of deep brain stimulation (DBS)? Meccaci and Haselager (2014) attempt to answer this question by analyzing the seminal case...
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    Should “Systems Thinkers” Accept the Limits on Political Forecasting or Push the Limits?Philip E. Tetlock, Michael C. Horowitz & Richard Herrmann - 2012 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 24 (3):375-391.
    Historical analysis and policy making often require counterfactual thought experiments that isolate hypothesized causes from a vast array of historical possibilities. However, a core precept of Jervis's “systems thinking” is that causes are so interconnected that the historian can only with great difficulty imagine causation by subtracting all variables but one. Prediction, according to Jervis, is even more problematic: The more sensitive an event is to initial conditions (e.g., butterfly effects), the harder it is to derive accurate forecasts. Nevertheless, if (...)
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    The Lotus Sutra and Process Philosophy.Philip E. Devenish - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):119-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 119-122 [Access article in PDF] The Lotus Sutra and Process Philosophy Philip E.Devenish Rissho Kosei-kai In 1994, Rissho Kosei-kai began to sponsor an annual summer conference to which international scholars were invited to discuss and explore the Lotus Sutra. Some of the earlier conferences focused on themes such as "The Lotus Sutra and Ethics" and "The Lotus Sutra and Social Responsibility." These conferences have (...)
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    The market logic of information.Philip E. Agre - 2000 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 13 (3):67-77.
    Futurists have imagined the Internet as a separate “cyberspace” and as a force for an idealized marketplace. Business practice and economic theory, however, lead to a different picture. (1) “Always-on” connections bring new interface problems and social skills. (2) Reduced transaction costs and increased economies of scale bring outsourcing, concentration, and globalized economy of focused monopolies. (3) The economies of scope inherent in modular computing systems bring “shallow diversity”: processes and products generated by a common underlying framework. This new picture (...)
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    A fallacious argument against moral absolutes.Philip E. Devine - 1995 - Argumentation 9 (4):611-616.
    The denial of moral absolutes rests, I think, on a seductive but fallacious argument, which I shall attempt both to expound and to refute here. Human beings are highly complex creatures living in a highly complex world. Every human being is different from every other, every interaction or relationship between or among human beings is unique. Hence also every occasion for moral choice is also unique, and all those action kinds - be theyadultery, murder, rape, theft, ortorture on which moralists (...)
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    Against Superkitten Ethics.Philip E. Devine - 2011 - International Philosophical Quarterly 51 (4):429-436.
    I here criticize the use of science-fiction examples in ethics, chiefly, though not solely, by defenders of abortion. We have no reliable intuitions concerning such examples—certainly nothing strong enough to set against the strong intuition that infanticide is virtually always wrong.
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  9. Creation and Evolution.Philip E. Devine - 1996 - Religious Studies 32 (3):325 - 337.
    I defend the coherence of Theistic Evolutionism, though I do not present any direct argument for either theism or (broadly Darwinian) evolution. I distinguish between evolution as a scientific theory, however well established, and evolutionism as a religion or ideology. I argue that the confusion between the two senses of evolutionism is bad for both biology and religion, and conclude by suggesting that, in Irving Kristol's words, 'our goal should be to have biology and evolution taught in a way that (...)
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    From proband to provider: is there an obligation to inform genetic relatives of actionable risks discovered through direct-to-consumer genetic testing?Jordan A. Parsons & Philip E. Baker - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (3):205-212.
    Direct-to-consumer genetic testing is a growing phenomenon, fuelled by the notion that knowledge equals control. One ethical question that arises concerns the proband’s duty to share information indicating genetic risks in their relatives. However, such duties are unenforceable and may result in the realisation of anticipated harm to relatives. We argue for a shift in responsibility from proband to provider, placing a duty on test providers in the event of identified actionable risks to relatives. Starting from Parker and Lucassen’s 'joint (...)
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    Coping with stress: How cells do it. Stress proteins: Induction and function (1991). Ed. by M. J. Schlesinger, M. G. Santoro and E. Garcia. Springer‐Verlag, Heidelberg viii+123 pp. £35.00, ISBN 3‐540‐52776‐1. [REVIEW]Philip E. Mirkes - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (10):724-725.
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    Becoming Digital: Using Personal Digital Histories to Engage Teachers in Contemporary Understandings of Teaching Social Studies.John K. Lee & Philip E. Molebash - 2014 - Journal of Social Studies Research 38 (3):159-172.
    Given that social studies pedagogy often runs in direct opposition to how students best learn, social studies teacher preparation must intervene by providing teachers robust experiences for inquiry, interpretation, creation, and personal meaning making. Digital history represents an area of innovation in social studies that can be a useful context for providing such interventions. This research applies a design-based methodology to develop a teacher education activity that reflects research on digital history and how students learn best by constructing and extending (...)
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    Correcting Judgment Correctives in National Security Intelligence.David R. Mandel & Philip E. Tetlock - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:428814.
    Intelligence analysts, like other professionals, form norms that define standards of tradecraft excellence. These norms, however, have evolved in an idiosyncratic manner that reflects the influence of prominent insiders who had keen psychological insights but little appreciation for how to translate those insights into testable hypotheses. The net result is that the prevailing tradecraft norms of best practice are only loosely grounded in the science of judgment and decision-making. The “common sense” of prestigious opinion leaders inside the intelligence community has (...)
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  14. Abortion and Infanticide By Michael Tooley Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983, 441 pp., £20.00. [REVIEW]Philip E. Devine - 1984 - Philosophy 59 (230):545-.
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    The is-ought problem: Its history, analysis, and dissolution by William H. Bruening Washington, D.c.: University press of America, 1978. [REVIEW]Philip E. Davis - 1978 - Philosophical Investigations 1 (3):47-49.
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    What's new: Immunotoxins.David C. Blakey & Philip E. Thorpe - 1986 - Bioessays 4 (6):292-297.
    Immunotoxins are hybrid molecules formed by coupling antibody molecules to powerful toxins of plant or bacterial origin. In experimental systems, immunotoxins have been found to kill cancer cells with great potency and specificity. This article reviews the current status of immunotoxins and some of the problems that have to be overcome before they can be used to treat human malignant disease.
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  17. Political diversity will improve social psychological science.José L. Duarte, Jarret T. Crawford, Charlotta Stern, Jonathan Haidt, Lee Jussim & Philip E. Tetlock - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:1-54.
    Psychologists have demonstrated the value of diversity – particularly diversity of viewpoints – for enhancing creativity, discovery, and problem solving. But one key type of viewpoint diversity is lacking in academic psychology in general and social psychology in particular: political diversity. This article reviews the available evidence and finds support for four claims: (1) Academic psychology once had considerable political diversity, but has lost nearly all of it in the last 50 years. (2) This lack of political diversity can undermine (...)
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    Social Contexts Influence Ethical Considerations of Research.Robert J. Levine, Carolyn M. Mazure, Philip E. Rubin, Barry R. Schaller, John L. Young & Judith B. Gordon - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (5):24-30.
    This article argues that we could improve the design of research protocols by developing an awareness of and a responsiveness to the social contexts of all the actors in the research enterprise, including subjects, investigators, sponsors, and members of the community in which the research will be conducted. ?Social context? refers to the settings in which the actors are situated, including, but not limited to, their social, economic, political, cultural, and technological features. The utility of thinking about social contexts is (...)
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    Relativism, Nihilism, and God.Philip E. Devine - 1989
    This book presents a defense of the reality of God in the sense in which Nietzsche proclaimed His death. It explores various contemporary versions of Nietzsche's maxim God is dead and proposes an alternative to them. Philip E.Devine critically examines three views that, in one way or another, accept the death of God and take it as central to the intellectual life: pragmatism, which asserts that the only end of the intellectual life is the pursuit of worldly goods other (...)
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    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Social Contexts Influence Ethical Considerations of Research”.Robert J. Levine, Judith B. Gordon, Carolyn M. Mazure, Philip E. Rubin, Barry R. Schaller & John L. Young - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (5):W1-W2.
    This article argues that we could improve the design of research protocols by developing an awareness of and a responsiveness to the social contexts of all the actors in the research enterprise, including subjects, investigators, sponsors, and members of the community in which the research will be conducted. “Social context” refers to the settings in which the actors are situated, including, but not limited to, their social, economic, political, cultural, and technological features. The utility of thinking about social contexts is (...)
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    Commentary on ‘The scattering ofαandβparticles by matter and the structure of the atom’ by E. Rutherford 669–688).B. R. Webber & E. A. Davis - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (4):399-405.
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    ‘Woe Betides Anybody Who Tries to Turn me Down.’ A Qualitative Analysis of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms Following Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease.Philip E. Mosley, Katherine Robinson, Terry Coyne, Peter Silburn, Michael Breakspear & Adrian Carter - 2019 - Neuroethics 14 (1):47-63.
    Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease can lead to the development of neuropsychiatric symptoms. These can include harmful changes in mood and behaviour that alienate family members and raise ethical questions about personal responsibility for actions committed under stimulation-dependent mental states. Qualitative interviews were conducted with twenty participants following subthalamic DBS at a movement disorders centre, in order to explore the meaning and significance of stimulation-related neuropsychiatric symptoms amongst a purposive sample of persons (...)
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    Jeffrey E. Foss, Beyond Environmentalism: A Philosophy of Nature Reviewed by.Philip Rose - 2010 - Philosophy in Review 30 (1):30-33.
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    The Pure and the Applied: Bourbakism Comes to Mathematical Economics.E. Roy Weintraub & Philip Mirowski - 1994 - Science in Context 7 (2):245-272.
    The ArgumentIn the minds of many, the Bourbakist trend in mathematics was characterized by pursuit of rigor to the detriment of concern for applications or didactic concessions to the nonmathematician, which would seem to render the concept of a Bourbakist incursion into a field of applied mathematices an oxymoron. We argue that such a conjuncture did in fact happen in postwar mathematical economics, and describe the career of Gérard Debreu to illustrate how it happened. Using the work of Leo Corry (...)
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    Intelligence and Cultural Environment. By Philip E Vernon. Pp. vii+257. (Methuen, London, 1969.) Price 45s.H. B. Miles - 1970 - Journal of Biosocial Science 2 (2):147-150.
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  26. Perceptual learning and the technology of expertise.Philip J. Kellman, Christine Massey, Zipora Roth, Timothy Burke, Joel Zucker, Amanda Saw, Katherine E. Aguero & Joseph A. Wise - 2008 - Pragmatics and Cognition 16 (2):356-405.
    Learning in educational settings most often emphasizes declarative and procedural knowledge. Studies of expertise, however, point to other, equally important components of learning, especially improvements produced by experience in the extraction of information: Perceptual learning. Here we describe research that combines principles of perceptual learning with computer technology to address persistent difficulties in mathematics learning. We report three experiments in which we developed and tested perceptual learning modules to address issues of structure extraction and fluency in relation to algebra and (...)
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    Da proteção à instrução: Mobilizações prático-discursivas em torno da inf'ncia nos debates sobre gênero E sexualidade na educação.Amana Rocha Mattos & Rafael Cavalheiro - 2020 - Childhood and Philosophy 16 (36):01-20.
    This article discusses how some childhood senses have been triggered in the confrontations about the legitimacy of gender and sexuality themes in education, considering the contemporary scenario in the country. For this, we aim to analyze two practical-discursive pitfalls that have been consolidated. The first, forged by the actors of the anti-gender offensive, consists of the narrative construction of vulnerable children, to be protected, and triggers moral panic against discussions about gender and sexuality in schools. The second, more subtle trap, (...)
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    (1 other version)A Companion to contemporary political philosophy.Robert E. Goodin & Philip Pettit (eds.) - 1993 - Cambridge: Blackwell.
    A comprehensive guide to current thinking in political philosophy, this volume focuses especially on normative issues. The first part of the book consists of a series of extended essays on the contribution that a number of different disciplines - economics, history, legal studies, political science, sociology, and philosophy itself - have made and are making to current debates. Analyses of political ideologies form a separate section, followed by discussions of major concepts ranging from virtue and equality to sociobiology and environmentalism. (...)
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  29. Functional genomic hypothesis generation and experimentation by a robot scientist.Ross King, Whelan D., E. Kenneth, Ffion Jones, Reiser M., G. K. Philip, Christopher Bryant, Muggleton H., H. Stephen, Douglas Kell, Oliver B. & G. Stephen - 2004 - Nature 427 (6971):247--52.
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    The Ethics of Homicide. By Philip E. Devine. [REVIEW]Patrick Lee - 1981 - Modern Schoolman 59 (1):75-76.
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    Crisis Management and an Ethic of Care: The Case of Northern Rock Bank. [REVIEW]Philip M. Linsley & Richard E. Slack - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (2):285-295.
    Different ethical frameworks have been proposed as appropriate for integrating into crisis management strategies. This study examines an ethic of care approach to crisis management analysing the case of Northern Rock bank which was at the centre of the recent financial crisis in the UK. The development and maintenance of relationships is fundamental to an ethic of care approach and the research recognises this by examining the bank–stakeholder relationship both before and after the crisis. Considerable anger was directed at the (...)
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    Does St. Anselm Beg the Question?Philip E. Devine - 1975 - Philosophy 50 (193):271 - 281.
    The following objection to the ‘ontological’ argument of St Anselm has a continuing importance. The argument begs the question by introducing into the first premise the name ‘God’. In order for something to be truly talked about, to have properties truly attributed to it—it has been said—it must exist; a statement containing a vacuous name must either be false, meaningless, or lacking in truth-value, if it is not a misleading formulation to be explained by paraphrase into other terms. In any (...)
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    The Ethics of Homicide By Philip E. Devine Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1978, 248 pp., $12.95. [REVIEW]Barrie Paskins - 1982 - Philosophy 57 (220):272-.
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  34. From Appomattox to Montmartre: Americans and the Paris Commune. By Philip M. Katz.R. E. Kaplan - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (4):522-522.
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  35. Great Cases in Constitutional Law, edited by Philip L. Quinn and Kevin Meeker.K. E. Himma - 2001 - Teaching Philosophy 24 (4):400-403.
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    Religion and the Human Future: An Essay on Theological Humanism – By David E. Klemm and William Schweiker.Philip G. Ziegler - 2012 - Modern Theology 28 (1):164-166.
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    Persistence of visual memory as indicated by decision time in a matching task.Theodore E. Parks, Neal E. Kroll, Philip M. Salzberg & Stanley R. Parkinson - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 92 (3):437.
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    Salience by competitive and recurrent interactions: Bridging neural spiking and computation in visual attention.Gregory E. Cox, Thomas J. Palmeri, Gordon D. Logan, Philip L. Smith & Jeffrey D. Schall - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (5):1144-1182.
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    Religion and Memory in Tacitus' Annals by Kelly E. Shannon-Henderson.Philip Waddell - 2020 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 113 (3):367-369.
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    Coalescence-induced planar defects in GaN layers grown on ordered arrays of nanorods by metal–organic vapour phase epitaxy.Chang-Ning Huang, Philip A. Shields, Duncan W. E. Allsopp & Achim Trampert - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (23):3154-3166.
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    Anton Wilhelm Amo's Philosophical Dissertations on Mind and Body.Stephen Philip Menn & Justin E. H. Smith (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    "Anton Wilhelm Amo is the first modern African philosopher to study and teach in a European university and write in the European philosophical tradition. We give an extensive historical and philosophical introduction to Amo's life and work, and provide Latin texts, with facing translations and explanatory notes, of Amo's two philosophical dissertations, On the Impassivity of the Human Mind and the Philosophical Disputation containing a Distinct Idea of those Things that Pertain either to the Mind or to our Living and (...)
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    Do miRNAs have a deep evolutionary history?James E. Tarver, Philip Cj Donoghue & Kevin J. Peterson - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (10):857-866.
    The recent discovery of microRNAs (miRNAs) in unicellular eukaryotes, including miRNAs known previously only from animals or plants, implies that miRNAs have a deep evolutionary history among eukaryotes. This contrasts with the prevailing view that miRNAs evolved convergently in animals and plants. We re‐evaluate the evidence and find that none of the 73 plant and animal miRNAs described from protists meet the required criteria for miRNA annotation and, by implication, animals and plants did not acquire any of their respective miRNA (...)
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    Narcissism Dynamics and Auditor Skepticism.Steven E. Kaszak, Eric N. Johnson, Philip M. J. Reckers & Alan Reinstein - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-18.
    The process by which auditors consider fraud risk in assessing management’s motivation and character remains under-addressed. This is problematic given the rising tide of narcissism, as well as recent research documenting that both self- and other-perceptions of narcissism influence an array of judgments. While a skeptical attitude is fundamental to the auditor’s gatekeeper role, it remains unclear how auditors form and act on perceptions of client narcissism. With a large sample of experienced accountants as participants, we leverage insights from current (...)
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    The basic liberties.Philip Pettit - 2008 - In Matthew H. Kramer (ed.), The legacy of H.L.A. Hart: legal, political, and moral philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    We have two ways of talking about liberty or freedom, one in the singular, the other in the plural. We concern ourselves in the singular mode with how far someone is free to do or not to do certain things, or with how far someone is a free person or not a free person. But, equally, we concern ourselves with the plural question as to how far the person enjoys the liberties that we take to be important or basic. What (...)
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    (1 other version)A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy, 2 Volume Set.Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This new edition of _A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy_ has been extended significantly to include 55 chapters across two volumes written by some of today's most distinguished scholars. New contributors include some of today’s most distinguished scholars, among them Thomas Pogge, Charles Beitz, and Michael Doyle Provides in-depth coverage of contemporary philosophical debate in all major related disciplines, such as economics, history, law, political science, international relations and sociology Presents analysis of key political ideologies, including new chapters on Cosmopolitanism (...)
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    The Teaching of Health Care Ethics to Students of Nursing in the UK: a pilot study.Shaun Parsons, Philip J. Barker & Alan E. Armstrong - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (1):45-56.
    Senior lecturers/lecturers in mental health nursing (11 in round one, nine in round two, and eight in the final round) participated in a three-round Delphi study into the teaching of health care ethics (HCE) to students of nursing. The participants were drawn from six (round one) and four (round three) UK universities. Information was gathered on the organization, methods used and content of HCE modules. Questionnaire responses were transcribed and the content analysed for patterns of interest and areas of convergence (...)
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    (2 other versions)Doing right: a practical guide to ethics for medical trainees and physicians.Philip Charles Hebert - 1996 - Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press. Edited by Wayne Rosen.
    Doing Right: A Practical Guide to Ethics for Medical Trainees and Physicians is a concise and practical guide to ethical decision-making in medicine. The text is aimed at second- and third-year one-semester ethics courses offered in medical schools, health sciences departments, and nursing programs. By taking an applied approach rather than a theoretical approach, this text serves the needs of medical and nursing students, residents, and practicing physicians by sorting through questions of moral principles relevant to the diverse and growing (...)
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    Between text and performance symposium on improvisation and originalism.Jeffrey M. Perl, Philip Gossett, Robert Levin, Jeffrey Kallberg, Steven E. Jones, Martin Puchner, Tiffany Stern, Mark Franko & Roger Moseley - 2011 - Common Knowledge 17 (2):221-230.
    This essay introduces a Common Knowledge symposium on the relationship between texts (for instance, musical scores or dramatic scripts) and performance in the arts by drawing out its implications for the interpretation of publicly consequential texts (such as constitutions, legal statutes, and canon law). Arguing that judges and clerics could learn much from studying the work of Philip Gossett and other practitioners of textual criticism in the arts, the essay suggests that a wider array of choices exists for legal (...)
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  49. "Hinweise auf": W. E. Mühlmann, Geschichte der Anthropologie; L. Noack, Philosophiegeschichtliches Lexikon; Philosophic Thought in France and the United States ed. by M. Farber; H. W. Schütte, Lagarde und Fichte; E. Topitsch, Die Sozialphilosophie Hegels; Tradition und Kritik ; Wiener Jahrbuch für Philosophie, hrsg. v. E. Heintel. [REVIEW]Philip Merlan - 1969 - Philosophische Rundschau 16:162-164.
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    Dialectic and Contemporary Science: Essays in Honor of Errol E. Harris.Philip T. Grier - 1989 - Upa.
    This volume contains ten original essays by leading philosophers in America, Britain and Europe, all addressed to the dialectical holist philosophical position developed by the contemporary philosopher Errol Harris; it also contains an extensive introduction outlining and defending the general contours of that position. It serves not only as a Festschrift for Professor Harris, but also as a comprehensive, critical exposition of the neo-Hegelian system of philosophical thought for which Harris is widely known, a position which is attracting the particular (...)
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